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Food & Wine Tours

A smart and delicious adventure

Explore Venice off the beaten path

With our tours you can discover the most authentic Venice. Let us guide you to its most beautiful and quite corners, into its vibrant wine bars and colorful market. Indulge yourself with some delicious wines and cicchetti (the Venetian traditional appetizers) in the lively atmosphere of a bacaro shoulder to shoulder with Venetians.

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Venice Walk, Cicchetti and Wines

Length: 3 hours
Starting time: in the morning or in the evening

Live Venice like a Venetian! With this walking tour you will explore the most authentic areas of Venice and learn about its lifestyle, traditions and peculiarities. You will visit the typical bacaros and explore local wines and taste delicious cicchetti.

Mini Bacaro Tour

Length: 1,5 hours
Starting time: 11:00 am or 5:00 pm

Not enough time? With this mini bacaro tour will explore some fun and lively bacaros and enjoy cicchetti and wines in one of the most beautiful district of Venice.

Rialto Market, cicchetti and wines

Length: 2 hours
Starting time: 10:00 am

Take this tour in the morning and visit the iconic Rialto market with its joyful and busy atmosphere. Learn about its fruits, vegetables, fish and seafood. Enjoy a cheese tasting and a glass of wine in the nearby campo (which is a small square in Venetian language). Step into a typical bacaro for abother glass wine and to savor the famous cicchetti.

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An authentic venetian experience for you!

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An authentic venetian experience for you!